
Guyana Gurma

2 large half-ripe mangoes 

1 tbsp Oil

½ tsp whole cumin

¼ tsp ground anise

3/4 cup  brown sugar

1/4 tsp black pepper

3 whole cloves

Few pieces of Cinnamon stick -1/2 inch long

Hot water

Peel and cut the mangoes through the seed.

Remove the seed.

Cut mango into 2 inch by 2 inch cubes. Wash mango and drain.

On medium size pot, heat oil and add  cumin. Cook for a few minutes.

Add mango and continue to cook for a few minutes.

Add the remaining ingredients, and cook for a few minutes until everything mix together.

Add the hot water about 2 1/2 cups.

Let the mixture come to a boil.

Cover and reduce heat to low/medium.

Take a spoon and mash some of the mango for the sauce to become thick.

When sauce becomes thick and mango is soft,  Gurma is finished.

Serve with Puri.

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